I’ve been thinking, reading and writing about pre-data/digital histories if we are to take seriously the task of decolonizing, then how do we go about it? While I am remotely not there yet, reading a poem from a book on…
All posts by “noopurraval”
Tag Groups are my latest jam
The very reason why I thought an academic career was cool was because somehow I found myself researching digital and social media phenomena and also found audiences or fellow interested people who seemed to think that my questions and interests…
Week 7: Race and/as Technology (?)
For this week, I read Wendy Chun’s introduction to an edited special issue on ‘Race as Technology’. I was trying to find scholarship that speaks to the interaction of caste identities and digital technologies for my writing but was unable to find a solid…
Week 6: Different positions on caste enumeration
This week, as a follow up to Prof Philip’s paper on the debates around caste enumeration, I read a variety of short articles written after the MIDS (Mysore Institute of Development Studies) seminar on counting caste in census. I briefly…
Week 5: Response on caste, race and tech platforms
For this week’s readings, I read the draft paper sent by Prof Philip on caste census and digital technologies in India. In the paper Prof Philip touches upon the political problems with counting/quantifying/enumerating caste in the Indian context and how…
Week 3 Response
For Week 3, I list here the things I read for my own project and some other comments from the articles on W E B Dubois and race. For my own project I have been reading along the lines of…
Literature review paper
Apologies for posting late, here’s my literature review.
Thoughts on Blade Runner 2049 and its futurism
As the film hobbled to yet another slow and beautiful yet painfully obvious sequence, I wondered to myself, “What is it with remakes?” — I just finished watching the Blade Runner reboot yesterday and am still processing how disappointed I…
New Summer, New Internship, New Language
This summer I am interning with Microsoft’s India Development Center in Hyderabad. To recap, since the past year’s failed efforts at procuring funding (NSF and other) to do an oral histories’ study of South Asian migrants in Silicon Valley, I…
Writing for Myself
The human skin is an artificial boundary: the world wanders into it, and the self wanders out of it, traffic is two-way and constant. – Bernard Wolfe, Limbo (Quote found at the beginning of Andy Clark’s wonderful book ‘Natural Born…